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Get a Licence Code

Open the SETTINGS page


If you have a Token enter it then Tap [GET ONE]

Your browser will open to our website

GET your Licence Code
- Online payment (Bank Card, Bitcoin...)

Enter an email to receive your Licence code
Click [Pay now]

- Use a TOKEN (No payment)

SAVE your Licence Code
If you used a token we cannot send the licence code to an email so please follow the instruction below
then save it, it will be in the "Download" folder.

Validate your Licence Code
(In SETTINGS, Tap "Validate")

(Write Licence Code & Tap [VALIDATE])

Licence Code will be shown if you saved it

From then on, you may:

Contact Us

Email support
In App, Open Settings (the gear icon), Tap [SUPPORT]
(Requires a Licence.)


In case you could not save your licence code please send us a message explaining what happened, add your Serial Number, Token Number / relevant payment info and an email address to answer you back.
If the transaction was successful we will send you your licence code.